
"Underwater mountain trails" - Igor Petrushevski and Slobodanka Jakimovska, members of CDC "Vrelo"

"Underwater mountain trails"

- Igor Petrushevski and Slobodanka Jakimovska, members of CDC "Vrelo"


Cave diving, research, environmental activities and training over the years of the "Vrelo" cave diving club, driven by the desire to see the path to the heart of the mountains, untouched nature and the significance for science.


1. How CDC "Vrelo" started through educational activities, hard trainings and dedication to caves and cave diving and today is the only professional club with this activity in the country;

2. What is really under the mountains and how does the Vrelo team do activities in locations that seem impossible, inaccessible or simply closed, but are actually labyrinths of canal springs?

3. How do we contribute to the sustainability of nature through environmental activities?

4. The beauties of the Vrelo underwater cave in the Matka canyon...



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